Tuesday, January 7, 2014

7/1/13 - "Feathers become sand when in deserts birds land."

10M: Rainbow country: rival colours melt, become light to fight night.
10Z: Books packed, gentle family, in rucksacks. Traveling, free range, mindset.

9M: Skulls are sincere. See right through their eyes' grave.
9Z: Cults are kind at heart. Like porcupines, or curmudgeons.

8M: Feathers become sand when in deserts birds land.
8Z: The sky falls without color. Mixed blessing. Indescribable.

7M: Remember 'til your brain becomes a stele.
7Z: Fight the man. Kiss the woman. Repeat.

6M: Coin on track. Picture the feeling.
6Z: Unmarked graves like mouths without voices.

5M: Tornado inside brain spares nothing.
5Z: Pretty wife. Pretty life. Envy.

4M: Marks soap cannot clean.
4Z: FEMA doesn't do heartache.

3M: Bird shadow slithers.
3Z: Thou shalt not.

2M: Not couple.
2Z: Infinite indefinite.

1M: Implant.
1Z: Hemophilia.