Thursday, December 12, 2013

12/12/13 - Rooms behind shut doors are bigger.

10Z: Lampshade hats flatter less the next morning. Still! Try it.
10M: Dancing's how he cleansed his mind. Until she turned up.

9Z: Headphones put out fires, emergency sprinklers in sonic waves.
9M: Truth is something you can move around without changing.

8Z: Spelled vagrant with his fists, a bitter grammar.
8M: What is the difference between drinking and drowning?

7M: All the sugar is in the canes.
7Z: The faulty bottle opener of his mouth.

6M: Rooms behind shut doors are bigger.
6Z: Wire slid under, snaked, uninvited, inside.

5M: Bones are made of flowers.
5Z: Uneaten, God's born fruit, corrupts.

4M: Slowing down kills too.
4Z: Abel to Cain: "Why?"

3M: You never were.
3Z: Incubuses play favorites.

2M: Repaired personality
2Z: Vestigial virtue.

1M: Rehearsal.
1Z: Oops.

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